Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Use the following questions to guide your response to the Looney Toons and Walt Disney cartoons posted below (you should watch at least 2 cartoons):

How is WWII portrayed in these cartoons? What can you glean about America's view of war, peace, Hitler, the NAZI party, and the Japanese? What symbols, analogies, and/or metaphors did you notice? What do these cartoon tell you about American popular culture of the time?

Please include specific, relevant, and factual information in your response.

Your post is due Sunday, March 30 by 9:00pm.


  1. In the first looney tunes, Hitler is portrayed as a duck who hatched from a black egg. This may symbolize his wretched deeds to come. There is also a part where German signed a peace charter, yet did not live up to it. This can delineate the Non Agression Pact with Russia, and after signing it with Stalin they invaded Russia. The rabbit is America because they remained isolationists (in the barrel) yet when involved in the war they proved very effective and did not lose as much as the other countries, allowing them to become a World Superpower after the war. Lastly the large goose who listens to Hitlers speeches with utmost interest, is Mussolini. He speaks in Italian and is portrayed as a HUGE dictator because of the way he forced a young goose? duck? who was tied up to listen to him. This was much like the Italians who were forced to listen to the cruel plans of Mussolini. This force was the reason why he was hung upside down in public after he was killed.
    The second one about education has many allusions tied into it. First the view may acknowledge that the protagonist Hans, is Germany first, where he gets very sick (after WWI) and then he recovers yet has that futile sense of mind that the "poor rabbit" shouldn't get eaten. Yet because of the status quo and social conformity, along with the words of his teacher (Adolf Hitler) he changes over time just as Germany has. Another is the allusion about the rabbit which is all the European nations, and then fox which is and should be Germany taking over everything and over the weak. Another is the sleeping beauty, where Germany after WWI was not allowed to produce arms or build up an army and this was all because of "democracy" or other European Nations. Yet still Hitler "the prince" comes into the show and wakes up Germany, who is provoked by his loud yelling and is moved by him. This allows him to "put Germany on its feet" and onto the saddle where we see the bottom of German with the head of Hitler. This would delineate the relationship, the butt, or your muscle gluteus maximus is used to hold your body upright, along with Hitler's head which speaks, and provokes people to hold Germany upright.

  2. The above cartoons showed the corruption and buffoonery of the Nazi party and the propaganda that was used to spread the views of the party throughout the country. The second cartoon showed the scare tactics that were used to force German citizens to obey the wish of the Fuhrer. The first cartoon showed the Axis powers as loud boisterous fools that would bully the weak minded into obeying them. It was America's isolationism and views for peace that made the countries step all over it. The first cartoon said if America gained an agressive attitude, it could easily handle all the dictator Axis countries. The second cartoon showed German desire for the strong and unfeeling German soldier as any sign of sympathy or sickness was taken as weakness to be threatened or belittled. Both cartoons showed how the rise of Nazi powers brainwashed the citizens and took their personal views for granted, replacing them with a common view of the Nazi party. Overall, the cartoons ridiculed the beliefs the Axis countries believed in so firmly and mocked their leaders.

  3. The first and second cartoons both show Hitler as evil. In the first one, Hitler is born from a black egg, showing his corruption, and maliciousness. And in the second one, Hitler has Devil's horns. And both the first and second cartoons show Hitler babbling and looking intense and unintelligent.
    The first cartoon showed how the Axis powers formed, and represented the want for peace, and the Axis' refusal for peace. While the second cartoon focused much more on the manipulation and brain washing of the German youth. The second cartoon showed the innocent and compassionate Germany and displayed how it was warped and trained to be Nazi. The little boy in the this cartoon was caring as seen when he felt sympathy for the rabbit, but soon he realized that in his school he was told Nazi Germany was right.
    These cartoons show that America was intrigued with WWII. America felt the Allies were fighting for a good cause and the country as a whole supported the war effort and were sincerely interested in what was happening in Europe.

  4. In "The Ducktators," Hitler is born from a black egg. He grows up to brainwash the "gullible ducks." Mussolini is represented by a large goose who hangs on Hitler's every word and move. The machine labeled "for filing secret pledges" like treaties, is actually used to destroy them as if they didn't exist (a refrence to the Non Aggression Pact). The smaller/weaker "duck" (nations) is enslaved in the video and the Dove of Peace is forgotten about and trampled over but then he ends up beating up the "ducktators."

    In "The Making of the Nazi," Nazi control began when a German child was born, from naming the child to hinting at the parents to have more children (to add to the German army). Education and even children's stories were distorted to teach German children that Adolf Hitler and Germany were superior to the rest of the world. In the Nazi version of _Sleeping Beauty_, the wicked witch is supposed to represent democracy, the princess is Germany, and the "brave, handsome knight" is Hitler. Hitler fights off democracy in order to get "Germany on its feet." The U.S. cartoon illustrates Germany as fat and ugly and Hitler as a demon. German children pledged to "fight, obey, and die" Hitler and that the Germans were a "superior race and unconquerable."
    The cartoons were U.S. propaganda, used to influence Americans into supporting the war and the war effort.

  5. These cartoons portray the the dictators Mussolini and Hitler as well as the Japanese in a ridiculing light. They are basically shown as incompetent idiots. The first cartoon constantly brands Hitler as autistic and makes many comments as to the weakness of his mind and how only ignorant and stupid people listened to him. It also shows him as a "bad egg." Mussolini is portrayed as the large goose and it shows how his sheer force garnered support while Hitler was able to gain support through his twisted ideas. It also pokes fun at the Japanese who were constantly trying to expand their empire but when they try to plant their flag on the turtle which could symbolize America as it was slow or reluctant to enter the war, they are instantly apologetic and easily beaten back. The first cartoon also shows how Germany did not uphold the promises it made towards peace.
    The second cartoon shows just how Hitler was able to so tightly control his people. He started brainwashing them at a very early age through education. He had children taught to despise democracy and to idolize him for pulling Germany back to its feet after WWI. The cartoon shows how children were punished and humiliated if they didn't believe in the rules they are taught as Hans is punished when he feels sorry for the rabbit. This taught Nazi children to feel no remorse and to believe that what they were doing was right as the strong were meant to overpower the weak. Often these rules and loyalty were so ingrained in Nazi children that they were willing to give their own parents over to the Nazi party if they behaved in anyway that could be construed as disloyal. Therefore there was the sense that the Nazi party and Germany came before ones own family. By the end of a child's education they were completely devoted to the Nazi party and willing to fight to the death if they were told to.

  6. The "seemingly unimportant event" in the first cartoon is the birth of the Hitler duck from a black egg. Hitler was born a small man, mustached, and with a mighty voice. The artistic aspirations mentioned in the cartoon reference Hitler's adult aspirations to be an artist. Although his paintings were of quality, Hitler was turned down from an art school in Paris, after which, he then turned his aspirations to dictatorship. The cartoon not only references his artistic propaganda, but his booming voice with the power to sway millions of other ducks, including the large duck, Mussolini. Later on the cartoon shows that not just the strong and healthy ducks hailed hitler, even the old and weak ones did too. The dove of peace could very easily be an interpretation of the United State's isolationist attitude of the time, as well as the violated non aggression treaty of the time. The depiction of the Japanese is symbolic of their Pacific-power strategy of claiming small islands at a time.
    The second cartoon is a great interpretation of the amount of power that the nazi government had over the people from temporarily allowing a name to rewarding the young parents with a Nazi book and a blank list with room for 12 future arian children. Then Hitler with his strong, booming voice, and small muscles picks up a fat, white, and blonde "sleeping" Germany to her feet, and on her new pedestal. Then, the video goes on to demonstrate how the childhood and the adolescence of a Nazi Youth are essential to hitlers movement.

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  9. In the first cartoon, Hitler is portrayed as a duck, giving it its clever name- “The Ducktators” (The Dictators). I agree with what Gaurang says about the symbolism of his birth being in a black egg. I think this represents his horrible actions that he does later in his life once he becomes a dictator. We see the Nazi symbol show up multiple time in this cartoon as Hitler as a duck spreads his ideas to people begin to follow him, and Mussolini pops up in this cartoon as one of the ducks that supports him. It just shows all of his dictatorship and how he controls it all, like when the other people try to get peace and he won’t let them and takes over even more. You know which duck is Hitler not only because of his actions because of his hair!! At the end there’s a battle showing you everyone who was against Hitler, and at one point you see the hatred toward Japan in WW2 when the duck claims he’s Chinese but really isn’t and gets beat.
    The second cartoon shows how the Nazi power rose. It’s shows how Hitler “brainwashed” people into believing that the Nazi beliefs were the only way to go. They tell of the Nazi Sleeping Beauty tale, where democracy is the wicked witch and the Princess is Germany that is saved from the witch by the Prince, Hitler. Then we are shown how kids are taught to only go by the beliefs of Hitler with the example of the rabbit and the wolf, and it shows you how much power Hitler had and how he got everyone else to believe in it to- as you can see by the child’s punishment in class, you can’t speak out against the beliefs.

    ahh, i keep accidently hitting the delete button right after i post it! sorry!

  10. In the first video Hitler is portrayed as a duck that can't do much on his own and has to rely on other "gullible" ducks to help him take over the place. while America is portrayed as a peaceful dove which is finally pushed over the edge and beats up japan then italy then Germany. Italy is portrayed by a goose that represents mussolini. This video shows how America was anti-war up until pearl harbor and Japan started attacking U.S. territories and naval bases in the Pacific Ocean which is represented by the turtle in the lake which retalliates like Midway.
    These videos reflect on Amercians thoughts on the Nazis and WWII because they show how americans hated the Nazi party and mocked it as being a bunch of conformists and censured monkeys to hitlers dictatorship. They also show Americas isolationist ideals and how they were better than the rest of the world by showing our country on top of the world looking down at whats going on from our peaceful peak.

  11. The first cartoon showed some duck parents, representing the parents of Hitler, confused about their egg being black. Then an angry scary looking duck comes out, this represents Hitler and the black egg represents the evil inside him. They first allude to his interest in art but say he only got the brush. After seeing Hitler was an unsuccessful painter, he is shown giving a loud obnoxious speech to a crowd of other ducks, ducks in all cases representing Germans. It mentions that the gullible ones listened to him. One large black duck in particular listens to Hitler with enthusiasm, this represents Mussolini as he speaks in Italian and forces a young duck to listen to him speak. The duck representing Hitler also puts a treaty through a shredder, this represents what Hitler did to Russia after signing the Non-Aggression Pact and then invading them anyway. Japan is seen in the first cartoon claiming land in water representing the their claim to islands in the Pacific. I had a hard time figuring out who the Rabbit represented, but after seeing what Gaurang posted it makes sense that the rabbit represented America as the isolationist country that came out on top.
    The second cartoon shows how Hitler brainwashed his Nazis from the day they were born. It makes him look particularly evil because of the way the sick child was treaty by the Nazi soldier who came to remind the mother that he would be taken away. The story of sleeping beauty showed how America saw Hitler by portraying him as an obnoxious and evil man who "saved" the lazy, and overweight Germans by stabilizing their economy through the killing of democracy. The cartoon also showed how little boys were made to feel stupid if they showed sympathy for weaker nations and people making them hate weaker nations, or nations other than Germany because they blamed them for their humiliation.

  12. In the first cartoon, Hitler is born from a black egg, which, like Steph said, is a small and insignificant event, but, like Gaugang said, hints at the evil to come. He is shown as an evil duck who gives speeches to the other ducks and is able to persuade the 'gullible' ones to take his side. The symbol of the Nazi is all over this cartoon, and Benito Mussolini shows up as a gullible goose who is in full support of Hitler. I think this first cartoon shows that Americans thought that Hitler was pretty much a quack with ideas that were so ridiculous, only the gullible Germans would listen to and support him.
    The second cartoon depicts Hitler with devil horns, showing his evil nature. It also shows how children in Germany were taught by Nazi teachers, who taught them about Hitler and his ideas, so they would grow up agreeing with him and supporting him.
    These cartoons depict Hitler as an evil man with ideas to take over the world, and how he bascially gained his power by persuading gullible Germans and leaders of other countries (like Mussolini) to take his side and join him in his 'perfection' of the world.
    These cartoons are examples of American propaganda, and the Americans attempt to show the absurdity of Hitler and the Nazis, and to persuade American citizens to support the Allies in the war.

  13. These cartoons by Warner brothers and Disney both emphasize the ridiculousness of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party. This is ironic, because the man himself, Walt Disney, was strongly anti-semitic. The first cartoon, "The Ducktators" makes fun of Hitler and Mussolini and represents the views of the American people against these dictators. Hitler hatches out of a black egg to foreshadow how he was going to have a negative effect on the world. Hitler preached to crowds of gullible ducks that represent the German people and how easily they were persuaded to follow his horrible "superior race" beliefs. This cartoon also showed a dove to represent peace and how in the end peace will defeat the other dictators and their supporters. The cartoon by Disney showed how the youth was transformed by the Nazi Party's ideas. A kid who was originally kind was humiliated and pressured into being cruel. This shows how Hitler Youth changed the new generations to only believe and fight for one person, Adolf Hitler. The "Daffy the Commando" cartoon just shows how the US satired the German Army and its war policies.

  14. The first and second cartoons show Hitler as evil. The first one shows Hitler as a duck that has to rely on others to help him. Then American is portrayed as a dove that cant take it anymore and takes over Italy and Japan. The first cartoon showed how the Axis powers formed, and represented the want for peace. The cartoons showed how truly pathetic the dictators were. The second cartoon showed how many Germans were trained to be Nazis. They show that Americas felt the Allies were fighting for a good cause and the country supported the war effort and were interested and cared what was going on in Europe.

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  16. The cartoons above display the fraudulence and corruption of Adolf Hitler and Germany. Hitler is hatched from an egg as a duck in the first cartoon. His character is portrayed developing evil traits at a young age. The American society saw Hitler as a domineering and malevolent man. This is shown when he is delivering a shrieking speech to Nazis which appeared to whip the audience into a frenzy. Hitler is also shown signing a peace treaty at a conference and destroying it. This represents his violation of the Non Aggression Pact with Russia. These cartoons exhibit the wholesomeness of the American way of life in contrast to that of the Axis powers. They scorn the government and policies of Germany and Japan by making their leaders seem unintelligible and idiotic. The Dove of Peace exhibits America’s view during World War Two, war for world peace and democracy. The first and second cartoons illustrate the recruitment of youth for the Nazi party, which was a way of scoffing at them. It shows how the citizens were programmed at young ages to live by and carry out the vision of Hitler and Nazis.

  17. The first cartoon showed how unfit hitler was to govern by showing how he had turned to politics only after his failed art career and made fun of it. Hitleris the small hatching from a black egg. This may be an allusion to the "ugly duckling" story which talks about how nobody likes the duck at first but then it grows into a pretty swan. hitler is similar in the way that he was a failure and rejected by art school but then became a powerful dictator and had the world at his feet for a period. Mussolini is the goose? that listens to hitler. He is very small at first but soon puffs up his chest and forces people to listen to him, thus illustrating Mussolini's rise to power. The Hitler duck also puts what is presumably a non-aggression pact or appeasement treaty of some sort into a treaty shredder demonstrating how the 'appeasement' tactice didnt work and how Hitler broke treaties and took over lands.
    In the second cartoon, the scare tactics and ridiculous 'scientific facts' used by the Nazis is parodied. It is the story of young Hans who is first allowed to be conceived because his parents have " heritage passports" that show he is of pureblood aryan heritage. This shows how the Nazis thought their made up group the "aryans" was a superior race. Hans was then taken away when he got sick showing how the Nazis would not allow any 'weak' individuals in the building of their super race.

  18. The first cartoon, shows dictator Hitler being "born" into his dictatorship. He was power hungry, but was not meant to be such a powerful leader, even though that is what he became during World War 2. As Lucy said, it depicts the was that Hitler was a failed artist and the cartoon jokes about this aspect of Hitler's life. He also relies heavy on the other ducks in the cartoon after he is hatched from his black egg and is depicted as having malevolent characteristics throughout his life. The Hitler duck is also able to gain power by luring the other ducks onto his side like Hitler was able to do during the War with the Nazi party and German citizens. The large goose that follows Hitler and listens to everything he says represents Mussolini, the leader of Italy during the war.

  19. I thought all the videos were pretty funny although they were concerning the serious event of WW2. The first clip depicted Hitler and Mussolini very well in the sense that they were cruel dictators. The Allied powers were represented by the Dove which I think is biased but the trampling of them by the Axis powers was a good parallel to the US resistance to warfare initially and then the final straw provokes American to join the war and win for the Allies. The second cartoon presented German as a complete dicatatorship (which it was) who strictly monitored it's citizens and taught its children lies..but isnt the US creating a biased child/citizen by showing this cartoon to its youth?? Overall the cartoons effectively represented the sequence of events known as WW2 but in my opinion the US was mainly bashing on Germany- many of the detail concerning the US and Japan were conveinantly left out.

  20. The main comparison of the fascist leaders of Japan, Italy, and Germany are to foolish animals, who seize power through sheer force, instead of in a legal, even-handed fashion. These cartoons are designed to provoke emotions of anger and indignation in American viewers, who, at the time, had a negative view of all foreigners, due to the intense xenophobia of mainstream America following WWI.

    The primary target of ridicule was consistently Hitler, who was portrayed continuously as a buffoon, as an incompetent imbecile, and as a "bad egg", as Nina pointed out.

    This cartoon is clearly biased, due to the origin of the cartoon, and the fact that it was American-produced.

  21. I think that the characters Hitler and Mussolini were represented by animals because they were out of control. The US made these cartoons that exposed children to the events occuring during the war and sometimes had a biased opinion.

    The first cartoon showed Hitler and Mussolini as controlling dictators with their bombs, gaining control over the other ducks. The second cartoon, like everyone else has said, shows Hitler hatching, and is bad from the very start, foreshadowing his actions later on. He also has devil horns, like Amber said. The third cartoon basically just targeted Hitler.
    These cartoons all brainwashed the kids with the views of the US.

  22. In the cartoons, WWII is presented as a play-thing of Hitler and the Axis Powers'. The American makers of these cartoons were allowed this luxury because the war was not occuring in our backyards, like it was for the British.
    In the first cartoon, Hitler is presented as a "quack", and Italy and Japan as his stupid followers. I thought the second video was interesting, because it looked at the German youth more as victims of their surroundings than as perpetrators of evil. Hans starts out feeling horror at what is done to the rabbit, and ends up, through peer pressure, thinking it deserved death for being weaker. The cartoons, over all, target Hitler as the main cause of the war.
    Overall, the cartoons made a mockery of the leaders of the Axis powers, and made fun of something quite serious. I think this reflects how bad people were feeling about the war. The only thing left was to make fun of it.

  23. LOL! I thought thsese videos were very entertaining and educational for the youth. However, I think I agree with Audry when she mentions that these videos are a little biased at the expense of the US. The first cartoon also showed the Axis powers as loud and demanding. I thought this was a good reflection of Germany during this time. The second video was my favorite. It was appealing to me because I had no knowledge of Hitler 'training' the children to grow up with his absurd ideas. He used his own innocent people in his quest to make the world 100% aryan. (reguardless of the fact that he had brown hair himself) I found both of these clips very intresting.

  24. The first video shows Hitler as the bad egg that begins to manipulate others to believe his teachings. Mussolini is shown as a big hen that helps out Hilter in his quest for total domination. The US is shown as a peaceful dove that remains neutral until it is unbearable. Also, japan is shown claiming land on the turtle or attacking U.S. territories and naval bases in the Pacific Ocean like Midway.
    The third video showed how the US outsmarted germany and kept wounding Hilter's plans and progresses. It also shows some of the new weapons used in WWII
